Life of an illiterate episode eight

BACK to the two sisters home, their mum tried
calming them down but they were just too
stubborn. The tension in the home became more
and more uncomfortable for them. Though Clara
accepted her fate and calmed down but her
elder sister wouldn't. She kept speaking about
revenge, revenge, revenge getting her mum
really annoyed. She brought up the topic few
hours later on then moving to the USA since
that was where they had all come from anyway.
Clara got worried about her education but her
mum told her not to.
On the day they were to leave for the airport,
she felt guilty realizing the boy had been right
all along. She had also over reacted as well by
pushing his hand away and rudely calling him
an illiterate. She ought to be punished to right?
But no one bothered to scold her or punish her.
They had all taken her side because she was a
literate. The poor guy had to take the scolding
for them both.
"Sister you have to get ready now. We are
leaving" Sandra told her dragging her suitcase
"Don't you think this isn't fair sister?" Clara
"I don't understand you. What isn't fair? "
"I had insulted him yesterday really badly. I
crossed the line so many times but no one
scolded me for it. He only reacted to all my
"You won't understand my dear little sister. He
shouldn't have raised his hand on you. He could
have hit you to the pulp you know. Don't take
his side. He is an hot tempered and wild beast.
That's how they are. They can never be like us. I
was so foolish thinking he was a cute
gentleman. I was already falling for his looks sef
but he fall my hand big time. I really liked him
sha "
"I am sure he wouldn't have got me. He wanted
to but he would have held himself"
"Why are you defending him so much as if you
have known him for ages?,"
"You are treating him this way because he is an
illiterate. That's not fair at all. All this isn't his
"Alright... Alright... Let's forget this"
"I won't go anywhere Sandra. I want to
apologize to him and his aunt. He must have
gotten really hurt"
"Don't do all this. Leave everything for now.
Mum is waiting for us downstairs. I also want to
apologize too but there is time for everything "
"But.... "
"Let's go already! " Her sister urged dragging
her out of the room struggling with her other
To be continued....
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