Dream-Episode six

Story by Chidimma Jerry

" watch it miss" he said,I realised he hadn't seen my face so I bowed at the same time and used both hands to cover my face then I ran away.I can't believe I met Jeremy,thank God he was alone.now I need to go, securing my identity is very important and its more important than this job.
I ran off.
Jeremy's pov.
I came with jace ,Austin and Evan.Bryan didn't feel like Coming out. I can't believe nana is back,why wasn't she coming to school? Shes pretty as always..I watched her coming.
She handed me a glass of wine, she's kind and well mannered.
" thank you" I said as I sipped the wine.
She looked around for a while then breathed out ,her pretty eye dimmed with pain as she tucked her hair into her ear.she wrapped her arms round her body like she was cold,I wonder what is eating her up.
" Jeremy where is Bryan?"she asked.
Bryan, just to ask after Bryan..the whole painful gesture? Bryan?
" he's fine, you can come over to the house, his mostly at home" I said, i was trying to promote the friendship needed to help us compete.
" oh,but is he fine?"She asked.
" yes,he is " I said.
" what about his health condition,was he treated?"She asked
" yes, successfully" I said and she smiled out tears.
" nana?" I asked
"Sorry, its my lashes" she said
I nodded.
" so when will u resume school?"I asked.
" just when I am ready" she said.I nodded
" have fun"she said
I nodded and she walked out.
I don't think I remember Bryan and Nana ever being friends so how did she know he was once seriously ill,could Austin be right? I rushed over to my crew and every one looked at me in shock.
" Jeremy what where you doing,"jace Said
" What?"I asked.
" where Is your mother's necklace" Evan asked.
I touched my shirt and I couldn't feel it.no no no please, I can't survive without that necklace,its very expensive but the price is not the issue.All the boys separated in search of the necklace,they all know how important it is to me.
My breathing already came in cuts, what do I do?
" Jeremy I can't see it"jace said
" what do we do" Evan said.
I searched around.
I already ran halfway home when I found a pretty necklace tangled Into my curly hair.
Oh no,it must belong to Jeremy.I tried runing back then I realised that he would recognise me as a pauper, and all the BOYFRIENDS are there.
But if I go home with this then it means am a bad person. it must be important to him just like mine is to me.
I touched my own mothers necklace and tears streamed down my eye.
what if he is searching for it ,he always wears it.I better take it back to him.I will return it at the risk of getting found out...i cant leave with it.
I ran off and headed back to the party,the dreame boys are about to find me out.
I arrived at the party and everywhere was still crowded, I saw Jeremy he was seriously searching for for something, he looked so pained and pained oh!! Thank God I returned.
I held the necklace in my hand and tried walking in but the party was still crowded, God am so scared.. what if Trisha or our boss sees me, what if zaina sees me , I will still get fired for playing with my work if our boss sees Me.I will just wait for the party to clear.
I walked over and sat on the road
Omg I can't belive I fell asleep,now the party has cleared.its obvious everybody left. I stood up and tried looking into the hall when I saw Jeremy on the pavement ...I wiped my eye and it was really him... what is he doing here alone? Why didn't he leave? Isn't he scared? Is this necklace that important?
I walked over to him and he lifted his face up,first his eye ran down my body;my waiters cloth.
" what --."..
I opened my hand and released the necklace partly with the pendant,he looked at me in shock.
I don't have time, Lydia is waiting.i gently lifted his hand and dropped the necklace into his hand then I closed it and bowed.
" Am sorry for ruining into you,it was all my fault;I will be more careful in the future"I said and bowed. He rolled his eye and no words fell. He looked at me in surprise and I ran away.I don't really know if he recognized me or not, all I know is that my street would be lonely soon.
I ran down till I got home,i rushed into my room.I sat on the floor with my legs folded,I was so scarred that I got found out today. I don't really know why I feel so. Jeremy please,I hope you didn't recognize me..or did you?
I changed and walked into the kitchen to help Lydia.
" odeya go to my friends house, her house maid ran away and she needs help before the new one arrives."lydia said.
" but, am not a commuinity maid"I said.
" did you say something?"She asked.
"No, am on my way" I replied and headed off.
Lydia always has a way to ruin my everyday.and my Saturday and Sunday at her friends house was hell.
I already arrived at school,you need to see me I looked so weak and tired. I strolled in quietly..I ran into min ah
" good Morning"she said
"Good morning" I repiled.
" odeya lets walk faster,sir barder is in class."she said
" ok."i replied,and i rushed out with her
" I don't know what zaina is planing odeya, but I heard that today is your day"she said.
"What?"I asked her.
She pointed to the new bill board on the notice wall.
who is odeya Blake,identity must be leaked today. All students should gather at the junior high game field today at noon. Signed,from queen zaina ....
I got scared, I looked at min ah
" do you think zaina found out the truth?"She asked me
" I don't know"I said as we rushed into class.Everybody was in class apart from the BOYFRIENDS.I took a sit and dropped my phone on the empty sit beside me.The BOYFRIENDS walked in, jace, Jeremy, Evan and Austin. Each finding their perfect space.The lecturer walked in,he looked mean.He looked at the class for a while
" where is Bryan?"he asked.
" well sir --"jace stuttered.
The lecturer placed a call to whomever,but all he said into the phone was " 3 minutes."
He dropped the call and 20 minutes later Bryan walked in sluggishly, does he chew gums,I noticed his mouth is always busy. God why are so pretty... i thought as I leaned on my bag to look at him. He looked hot and expensive. some girls behind where pointing fingers at him." thats him," "thats him" was all i heard.he held only one book and a pretty pen.He walked down and to my greatest, biggest, and highest surprise Bryan picked my phone from the chair and sat beside me while looking out the window and chewing in.
I don't think he knows or cares to know who he is sitting beside.I was shocked,I kept looking at his face.
I hope he doesnt recognize me as the girl that poured coffee on him now that he is very close to me. I saw the red mark on his hand, didn't he treat the wound I gave him?
I tried facing the board when I
realised he was still holding my phone, did he forget? How do I tell him to return it? I have never feared anyone in my life the way I actually fear this bryan,I never want him to recognize me ever.. but if i talk he might recognize my voice, Identity leaked
...and worse he would know I am the girl who snuck up to his secret place yesterday...no he shouldn't hear my voice he might kill me.
" uhmmm , well.."I started coughing to get his attention..
" you're noisy "he said calmly and looked down to his book without even looking at me.
I opened my mouth wide and closed it.
How do I tell him to give me my phone without talking

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