Life of an illiterate episode fourteen

"Just follow your heart man. If you love her then
spill it out and stop compressing it in. You won't
be aware when you will explode soon and yell to
the whole world truly love her and can't keep it
hidden anymore. It will only weigh you down
and get you depressed. I still remember when I
saw Sandra for the first time in the states. She
was so pretty. She was like the prettiest woman
in the while world but her behavior was
something else entirely. She was arrogant, rude,
in fact I had cursed myself for falling for her.
She never loved me back. She meant the whole
world to me but that stubborn lady didn't care.
She did what she wanted all the time. I am
often the one who gets punished for her
mistake. I do everything for her in school. She
was damn lazy. Just one day she came to me
and said there was this guy disturbing her and
wouldn't leave her alone. What the hell was my
business? I didn't care. I wanted to ignore but
then she began crying and pleading I help her. I
fell for her tears and introduced myself to her
parents as her boyfriend. It was really tough
carrying on with her. We had to pretend we
were in love with each other. But with time, it
seemed everything suddenly changed between
us. She turned out to love me so much more
than I even did. I am so happy I married her
and till date I don't regret it" Chris smiled.
"You really deserve her. But that isn't same
with me and Clara"
"What do you mean? "
"We can never be happy with each other. The
gap between us is wide. I am not educated like
her. We won't understand each other "
"That's wrong. If you love her then you will
learn how to understand her. You will both
teach each other"
"I don't even love her at all and eve if I do I
can't have anything to do with her. I want her
to be happy. She deserves to be happy"
"Then what do you deserve? "
"Nothing. I don't deserve anything "
"Don't say that. You are hardworking and
intelligent. You are talented too. You deserve
the best. Not all illiterates are fortunate like you.
You just have to follow your heart"
"I don't love her. Please nothing more on this
"Alright. But be careful because she is slipping
from you soon. She is getting married to a man
she doesn't love. Don't you get it? "
On arriving home, Chris lay on his bed feeling
confused and uncomfortable on the situation at
hand. He couldn't accept the way he felt
towards Clara. He didn't want to fall for her and
he knew it. He turned to the right side of his
bed and panicked seeing Clara lying beside him
in her night gown smiling her usual cunning
"Chris, I thought you were asleep. When did you
wake up? Was I the one who woke you up?" She
asked shifting toward him. He jumped out of his
bed immediately feeling he was going insane.
His heart began pounding fast. She gave him a
confused look now. He stepped back slowly and
wasn't aware when he had hit his fist on his
table hurting him.
"Christian are you hurt? Are you okay? "she had
asked rushing towards him. She picked up his
hand and became teary realizing he hurt
himself. He got more shocked realizing she had
a wedding ring on her ring finger. She slowly
began blowing air on his wound. "Why did you
hurt yourself? You know I hate you hurting
yourself "
"Clara are you real? " He asked in shock.
"Yes. I am your wife. Come on let's go to bed
now. It's already late. You will have to go to
work tomorrow. Remember that" She reminded
him letting go of his hand.
"Clara... "Without completing his sentence, he
drew her closer for a very emotional warm hug.
To his shock he realized he was hugging a pillow
and Clara was gone.
"What has really come over me? " He thought.
A month later, he went for his usual work.
While working, Sandra approached him smiling.
"You Came to See Me... " he asked.
"Yes and to give you good news too"
"Really? That what I really need right now.
What? " She opened up her bag and put toward
him an invitation card. He collected it
"My sister is getting engaged. Her engagement
has been fixed. I want you to come for her pre-
engagement party" He got surprised and
speechless. He felt his heart pounding against
his chest. "Will you come? "
"I.... I.... I...don't know if I will be able to come"
he confessed trying to hide his fear.
"Why? She is your friend and you told her you
had forgiven her"
"Yes I have but I have lots of work. I can't leave
them all and attend her party"
"Come on. She will feel hurt if you don't come.
At least watch her move on with her life. She
will be so happy if you agree"
"I... I can't come. I... "
"What's wrong with you? Why do you feel
nervous? " she asked with a skeptical look. "and
why do you look as if you are going to cry? "
"I don't want to talk about this anymore. Don't
force me to attend "
"I won't but it's not too late to rethink. You can
still get her into your life. She doesn't really
love her fiance as much as she loves you. If you
really love her then you will watch her move on
but if you don't then you can stay at home and
"I have told you I don't love her"
"Think about it. It's a commitment we are
talking about "She walked off immediately. He
stared at the invitation card and put it away
"I won't go. I don't love her and that's it"
To be continued....
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