Life of an illiterate episode thirteen

CHRISTIAN got astonished seeing her. He never
realized the world was so small that he would
have to come across the same annoying young
lady of the past again. He felt a little excited
seeing her beautiful face and long eyelashes but
the anger he had for her was till in his heart.
He attempted to ignore her when she drew him
closer giving him a very warm hug.
"I am really sorry Christian I am really really
sorry. The truth is that I had always felt guilty
for all I had done to you in the past. I never
meant to have reacted that way. Please forgive
me and forget the past will you? " He felt
uncomfortable and embarrassed and tried
pulling her away but she wouldn't let go. She
was so insane to have forgotten his fellow
mechanics were watching and that would talk.
Aside that he was in a dirty coat too.
"This isn't right Clara. You shouldn't be hugging
me " He tried explaining to her but she still
wouldn't let go.
"Why? why can't I hug you Christian? You are
my friend after all"
"Just get out of here. You are embarrassing me"
"Forgive me First Christian. If you don't then I
won't leave you"
"Clara try and understand. People are watching
us. I can lose my job"
"I don't care what people say at all. After all
this is my brother in law company and no one
dares fire you just like that. Just forgive me
ones and for all and I swear I will stay away
from you" Christian never realized his heart
melting. He had tried hardening his heart to her
feeling she was good for nothing someone but it
seemed he didn't feel that way anymore. For to
have forgotten her status and hugged him in
front of so many workers meant a lot. It really
proves how sorry she was after all. He felt really
guilty for trying to keep malice despite knowing
she was just being immature. He wasn't the
kind of person that keeps malice after all. What
she did really hurt him badly.
"It's alright Clara. I forgive you" he finally gave
"No, I don't believe you. Stare into my eyes and
tell me you have really forgiven me from your
heart" She insisted.
"Why are being such a drama queen? I have
told you you are forgiven right? Don't make the
matter even worse"
"How worse can it get? Just stare into my eyes
and tell me you have forgiven then I will let you
go and never bother you again " Christian felt so
reluctant to do that. He felt she was driving him
insane. Why was he going to stare at her now
just to prove he wasn't joking? What difference
does that even make?
"Alright... " He said pulling her away from him.
He stared into her cute looking eyes and watch
her eyeballs move from left to right following
the movement of his face. He felt really weak
for he had never stared at a woman before. He
felt so stupid and turned away immediately.
"Just leave me alone will you? I can't do this and
stop trying to charm me with your looks"
"What? Charm you? I am just pleading to you to
forgive me that's all. I am not charming you
with anything and how can my looks charm you
anyway? I am not so beautiful. Come on, ignite
what you watch on TV and get this done with"
She pleaded. He was really acting like a child
and she was getting tired of explaining over and
over again.
"Fine" He finally agreed. He stared at her and
finally said what he ought to.
"I have forgiven you Clara. I really have" He got
relieved he had finally fulfilled her wish and
hope she leaves him as agreed but to his shock
he caught sight of tears flowing down her eyes
getting him surprised and worried he had hurt
one way or the other.
"What have I done now? Why are you acting this
way? " He asked.
"I am just so happy seeing you again that's all.
There is no other reason I am shedding tears of
joy" She answered with a relieved look. "At least
my guilt is gone. I am no longer guilty over
anything anymore. I am very glad to see you
working really hard how to ought to as a man.
Even my fiance doesn't work as hard as that. It
was really foolish for me to open my mouth and
call you an illiterate when you are even far more
better than most literates. Seriously you can get
rich, get married to a good woman, have so
many children, go on a honeymoon around the
globe. Anyway it's your life. You can live it
anyhow you wish. Ones again, thanks for
forgiving me" She appreciated taping him on the
shoulder. He gave her a slight smile and
"I know I shouldn't be saying this but I have to
because my sister future is in danger as you can
see" Sandra said as she approached where he
stood watching Clara leave.
"What do you mean by that? "
"The truth is Chris, my sisters had always have
feelings for you a lot. She might not have shown
it in her attitude but that's the bitter truth we
have to accept. I had realized it when we
arrived to the states. She kept feeling guilty and
guilty and wouldn't even let me be at peace. I
don't know what you are thinking now but
please don't try and hurt her" Christian said
nothing in reply. He only nodded and turned
back to his work wondering what they wanted
him to do. She had a fiance. He would handle
her not him. There was no one he would screw
an innocent girl relationship just like that...
To be continued....
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