My sister my enemy Episode five

Jennifer’s POV
It’s Monday morning. Kit, dad and I are having breakfast of tea bread and fried eggs , and other varieties. Dad greeted us good bye as we left for school afterwards. I do not even want to remember what happened on Saturday. I just hate Jason right now. I won’t talk to him at school today. Kit and I got down from the car, then some girls started smiling and greeting us as we walked towards our department. Everyone was staring at us. Weird. I wondered if something happened. Kit also looked very nervous as she didn’t like attention at all. She was about to talk when we saw Mitch talking to a group of boys and girls. She waved at us when she saw us. She then came over.
“Hi girlfriend!” I said.
“Babe what’s wrong with Kit? She looks...”
“She’s just kinda nervous, tell me what’s going on here. Did someone die?” I said.
“Babe don’t be ridiculous” Mitch replied rolling her eyes.
“Then tell me why so many people are gathered here looking at us like we’re celebrities”
“Well it’s because of Saturday. You got the attention of the most handsome guys in the school. U even got them to come to ur house. That’s like an achievement u know. U are one of the very few they’re friendly with.” Kit rolled her eyes. She just slowly walked away. Jason!!! I wanted this, I was feeling kinda proud of myself. But right now, I’m upset with Jason and Jake. U need to see these girls’s faces, some were jealous, making faces at me but i just rolled my eyes and smirked at them. Just then, I spotted Jason and Jake coming from the patio. I also saw Kit coming out of the department. What’s really going on?
Jason’s pov
I got to school today and met everyone there, just staring at Jake and I. I later found out that it was because of Saturday. I actually went to a lady’s house for the first time after coming back from UK. Well, the way they were staring made me smirk. Then I saw Jennifer and Michelle, then saw Kit coming out from our department. I went to Jennifer.
“Hi” I said. She was silent. “I’m talking to u” She just rolled her eyes. “Ok, suit urself.!” I said. She turned blue. Michelle and Jake giggled. As if I’m interested!! Giving me crap! Just then, Katherine arrived. This is it. U can do it Jason. I moved closer to Jennifer and made to stroke her hair.
“Jenny, I know Saturday didn’t go well for us, but please, I’m saying sorry.” I said and she blushed. She’s such a fool. “Ok, what can I do to make it up to u? To make u happy?” I asked her.
“U really want to make me happy? Will u?” She asked. I felt my blood boiling.
“Yes, anything for u sweetheart.” I said as I stole a glance at Kit. She was pink all over.
“Ok, let’s make it official, let’s go on a date this weekend.” She smiled. She’s so annoying.
“My gorgeous, we will go on a date ok” I glanced at Mitch too, she was white. Hahaha.
“Ok, it’s done.” She said. Everyone in the school were happy for us. They started taking photographs as Jennifer cheaply hugged me and pecked my cheeks. Kit turned away and went straight for her car.
“Jenny, I’ll see u at home” She shouted. Her voice was so melodious. I love it. Now Katherine’s gone. The show is over. “Hey miss, I’m leaving already, I’ve got some urgent things to do” I said to Jennifer. She turned blue.
“Why the sudden change?” She asked, but I was already leaving. “See u later, c’mon JK, let’s go” I said winking at him which he understood immediately.
Katherine’s POV
When Jenny and I got to school, everyone was staring and greeting us. I was nervous. When Mitch finally told us that it was about Jennifer and Jason, I just rolled my eyes and walked away. I later came out of the department after hearing that there will be no lectures that day as all teachers had gone on a meeting with the minister of education only to see Jason romancing Jenny and sweet talking her. I felt my body go pink. He’s such a flirt. I hate him. I was going away and greeted Jenny goodbye. Why should I care about that Jason!! Flirt!!!
Back to present ***
I’m in my room balcony.It’s today that Jenny and Jason would go on their ‘official date’ as they had put it. I wonder wat they’ll do. why should I care? But on a serious note, I wanna know exactly wat is going to happen. But I don’t like Jason at all. He kinda irritates me. He’s a big flirt. Well Watevs.
“Hey grumpy, how do i look?” Jennifer asked, bringing me out of my thoughts. She’s specially dressed for this evening. She’s wearing a blue and gold dinner gown, blue and gold makeup design and a blue and gold purse and heels. She styled her hair like Nicky Minaj and a blue and gold scarf. She looks stunning I must admit. Gosh, she’s so beautiful and omg... indescribable.
“U look stunning Jenny, mmwwwahh!!” I replied.
“Thanks baby, I knew u would like it, bye!!!” She said hugging and kissing me as she made to leave. I watched her gorgeous steps. My twin sis is much more beautiful and more glamorous than I can ever be. There’s no way Jason would ever look at me with love as long as a beauty queen like Jennifer is around. Gosh!! Why am I talking about Jason loving me? There’s no one I can talk to. I don’t have any best friends here to even talk to. I feel so lonely. I wish Monica was here. My phone’s ringing. I ran to my room to get it. Wow!!! It’s Monica! I picked up and sat down. “Ooh Nics, I missed you so much, when will u be back from UK? I’m already in Nigeria as u know, but u never even called me or bothered. I’m upset with you!” I finally breathed.
“Hmm!! Kate, have you finally finished? U wouldn’t even let me speak. Gosh!!” Nics said.
“Would u blame me? I missed you too much. I was just thinking of u.” I smiled.
“Well, I have a surprise for u.” Nics said.
“Wow, what’s the surprise?” I asked curiously. I love surprises.
“I know u don’t like guessing so I’ll just go straight to the point.” She said over the phone.
“Oookk” I said.
“I want u to stand up,”
“Ok.” I said as I stood up.
“Walk out of wherever u are,” she continued. I did exactly that.
“Come down the stairs and towards ur door,”
“Gosh Nics, u are killing me. Won’t u tell me already!” I laughed.
“Open the door,” I opened the door and I froze, either from shock, surprise or overjoy.
“And that’s ur surprise.” She finally said. The phone fell from my hands. Ooh no!!! How’s this possible?
What could this mysterious surprise be?
To be Continued....

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