My sister my enemy Episode four

Jason,Jake, Jennifer and Michelle were at the lounge playing Ludo after gists about themselves and so on. At the Ludo game, Jake was winning and he started cracking jokes, then looking around for something or someone then when asked about it, he just brushed it off. Then, all of a sudden, Kit walks in and stops right on the track after seeing Jason and Jake.
Katherine’s POV
After I opened the door for Michelle today, the door bell rang again; I was about to go get it but Jenny stopped me. I just then walked back to my room. It was probably her school girlfriends again. I came to my room and continued reading the book titled ‘The Sleepovers’ till I also slept. I dreamt that some guys came to our house and were talking downstairs just that I didn’t see their faces. I woke up after hearing a loud noise coming from the lounge. I stood up, checked my time and it was barely an hour that I slept. I went to take a quick bath and put on a short (not really short, ( it almost reached my knee) skimpy floral red dress and knotted my hair into a doughnut. I was going out for some ice-cream, I’m so bored and I don’t even know wat Jenny and Mitch are up to at the lounge. I was going to the lounge as I shouted: “Jenny, I’m going to the ice...” I stopped talking. Am I blind or am I just hallucinating? Is that Jason and Jake? At the lounge? With Jenny and Mitch? No, I’m going crazy. So my dream wasn’t actually a dream, it was Jake and Jason all along, talking downstairs. Just before I finally ran mad, they all almost said in a murmur (except Jason) “suuurrrppppriisee!!” I almost lost balance. “Jenny wats going on here?” I asked.
“Jake and Jason are here” she replied. “I just wanted to surprise u” she added. I was speechless.
“Come and join us, please” That was Jake.
“Sorry, I’m going out. I’ll be back later, see ya!!” I managed to say as I turned to go but then after being quiet since I came in, Jason finally spoke “I don’t know exactly what’s going on here but does anyone care to explain?” I turned back to Jason, though quite far away as I was near the door.
“Yes, she’s grumpy head, my sister, my twin sis, u know right?” Jennifer said.
“No I don’t. I just found out now. Well that explains why i always see her with u at school.” Jason smirked. So he doesn’t even know that Jennifer and i are sisters? I bet he doesn’t even know my name. Just then he said, as if he read my mind “And... uuuhhm, it’s kinda weird but do u care to tell me ur name?” What!! Like seriously , he doesn’t even know my name. Thank Goodness Jake came to my rescue: “Jason, I will tell you her name, she’s Katherine Daniels, but I call her tomato/ pumpkin ” he chuckled while saying this. I felt my face turned red.
“U see Jason, that’s exactly why I call her tomato ” Jake said pointing at me. I made an angry face when they all turned to look at me.
“And that’s why I call her pumpkin, when she makes angry faces, she looks just like a pumpkin” they all giggled. I lost it. I ran out of the lounge and out of the house.
Jason’s pov
I’m at home now. Everyone’s sleeping but i can’t. Today’s incident is...I still can’t believe that Jennifer is her sister talk less of them being twins. They’re exactly the opposite of each other. While one is cheaply throwing herself at me, the other is costly avoiding me. Wow, her name’s Katherine, such a beautiful name. I can’t believe I didn’t know her name earlier. Now I think I know why Jake accepted Jenny’s invitation. It’s because he knew all along that they were sisters. Well what happened today was kinda funny . This was after Katherine left the house.
Flashback **
“I know Katherine very well, she isn’t really angry. She’s just shy that’s why. She’ll manage” Jake said.
“Yeah, that’s ma sis for u. But u know her fairly well in just a short while,” Jennifer said and then turned to me “And u? I’m sure all u know about me is my name right! What kind of a friend are you!”
Just then, it slipped out of my mouth “ Its not as if I was interested”. Everyone burst out laughing. She turned blue. She ran to her room probably crying, who cares. Throwing herself at me! Rubbish!!
“On a serious note, that was quite mean u know” Mitch said. But then it slipped again “Fuck u and ur friend!!” Her face turned white. Ghosssst!!! Lol. “I’m leaving” she thundered as she made to go “Who cares! U can go to hell!” I blurted. Oo no. What’s wrong with my tongue. She ran out, crying I guess. But like seriously it was very funny. Jake couldn’t stop laughing .
“Meehhn, that was rude of u” he said still laughing. I smirked.
Their expressions and faces all matched their dresses: 1. Katherine( red angry face and she’s wearing a red dress), but she looked very cute even without makeup.
2. Jennifer: blue outfit and blue angry face; looks like a masquerade with that silly makeup of hers. 3. Michelle: white dress and white angry face. Looks like a clown
with her makeup. Maybe when they wear a different color outfit next time, then their angry expressions will also change to the color of the dress they are wearing. Lol. We left amidst laughter.
Back to present ***
Katherine. I don’t know why I feel different whenever I’m around her. I feel like time runs too fast. And she keeps avoiding me. But not to worry, I’m Jason Williams so I know exactly how to get her attention. I’m starting to think she kinda dislikes me. But that’s not possible. All ladies, I mean all girls fall for my charm. So Katherine can’t possibly hate me. Well, I’ll soon find out. I kept thinking until I finally joined nature...
The most interesting and suspense filled parts are still coming from Afghanistan, don’t be in a hurry. Acquiring visa is not easy. Lol!
To be

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