My sister my enemy Episode two

Jennifer’s POV
Early this morning I went to my friend Mitch’s house. By the time I got back, I met dad and Kit talking. I greeted them but Kit was quiet. Anyways I care less right now. It’s afternoon now and I’m thinking of going to the mall.
“Mitch, I think we should go to the mall, it’ll be fun.”
“Ok Jen lets go, but I think Kit should come along” Mitch suggested.
“Ok as u wish, I’ll go tell Kit” Just then, Kit passed by.
“Hey Jenny, watsup??” She asked.
“I’m cool grumpy, do u think u can go to the mall with Mitch and I??” I call her grumpy because she’s not that cool. She’s kinda shy and doesn’t smile often.
“No pbs, I’m free right now anyway” she said as she giggled a little as we all went downstairs. We all started giggling, it was going to be fun. We got into my car and off we zoomed to the mall!! We arrived at Kingsley’s Kloset after about quarter an hour later. We got down and held hands. We walked into the mall. We bought popcorn and ice-cream. It was really getting fun.
“Jen, wat do u think we should buy?” Mitch broke the silence.
“Well I’ll update my closet” I replied.
“I’ll just get some Christmas costumes for the school play” Kit replied.
“And I’ll buy Halloween costumes “ Mitch said with fierce. We all then started talking at the same time until...bang!! We bumped into something very hard but soft. Wow, they’re the cutest boys I’ve ever seen. Kit nearly fell down in the process but the cutest of the two caught her in his arms just in time and they shared a romantic eye lock for some seconds but then Kit pushed him slightly away.
“Hey!! Look where u’re going” Kit said.
“Yeah, wat if she got hurt or something?? Don’t u have eyes?” I added. But then Mitch murmured ‘OMG he’s so cute and hot and...’ but then I elbowed her and she came back to her senses and said “Dude, wat are u using your cute eyes to do? Can’t u see?” All these while, he was just staring at Kit, not hearing all the criticisms but then the other cute guy elbowed him, bringing him out of his reverie.
Jason’s POV
Jake my cousin and I decided to go to mall today after a long boring day at home. We got to the mall, we bought popcorn and were chatting away when we suddenly bumped into the three cutest girls I’ve ever seen. Well actually, Two were the cutest. The one that almost fell and the blonde annoying one. The third one with light brown hair isn’t really special. The cutest of all almost fell down but I just caught her right in time. I couldn’t stop staring at her, she’s so beautiful and... Just then, Jake elbowed me
“Auch!! Jake!! Have u gone insane??” I wailed.
“Ladies, please we’re very very sorry. We weren’t looking” Jake said to the girls and then turned to me:
“Jason, wat were u thinking about? We’re in a mess here. And look, popcorn’s littered everywhere”.
I looked around for a second, I was actually lost in thought but then the other cute blonde one said annoyingly “Please talk some sense into ur friend or brother or whatever he is to u, she could have been harmed u know”
“Hey hey hey!! I’m not the only one at fault here u know so why ganging up against me?” I asked sheepishly
“Oh c’mon dude” Jake exclaimed. But before I could talk again, I heard the cutest telling the rest of them “let’s leave” I didn’t want her to go but if we’re destined to meet again then so be it. I turned to Jake “JK, u did wrong, why did you talk to me like that in front of those cuties?” He smiled and said “U this boy, u can never change, I know u’re the baddest boy in town, so u’re forgetting Nicole?” I returned a smirk “Man must enjoy ok, I’m not married or even engaged to Nicole so please...” We both smiled and made for our car and off we go to our house”.
Katherine’s POV
At the mall, that guy was damn cute. I mean after I left LA, I’ve never seen such. Oo gosh!! His friend wasn’t bad either but I think I like the friend’s nice behavior. Anyways right now I’m in my room, sorting my things out as I’m going to school tomorrow, i need to get ready as I don’t wanna be late. We just got to the school last week and so we’re still referred to as ‘new’. Jenny’s here.
“Yes grumpy, watsup? I know u’re tired and want to rest, tomorrow is school yes I get it”
“Aren’t u getting ready? I have a very good feeling about tomorrow I don’t know” I said biting my lips.
“Ooh yes prophetess, I’ve heard, I’ve gotten my things ready ok” Jenny smiled.
"Ok then so... good night??”
“Yeah, good night and sweet dreams too about ur secret crush ok” Jenny said winking as she walked towards the door.
“You’re impossible Jenny, good night!” I smiled and shook my head at Jenny, as I switched of the light and slept like a baby.
Ddddrrrrrrrrtnnnnnnnngggghhh.... This annoying alarm clock . It means it’s time to get up and get ready.
To be

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