My sister my enemy Episode seven

Fast forward ***
1 month later...
Katherine’s POV
I know Monica is the best friend any one would wish to have.
I’m lucky to have her. She’s more like a sister to me.
I love Jenny too much to break her heart. I can’t bring myself to tell her that Jason doesn’t really love her. I know he doesn’t. I just don’t know why he’s doing what he’s doing.
Now they’re in a ‘serious’ relationship.
I need to fight for my sister. I need to free her from that flirt Jason and only Monica can help me.
I already told her my mind.
“Kate, I know you love Jenny but she won’t believe you if u tell her about Jason. U know how much she loves him.” Monica said.
“I know, that’s why I need another way to break them up before it’s too late.” I said biting my lip.
“Ok then, let’s not say anything to Jennifer. Let’s go straight to Jason and confront him. He should stop this” Monica advised.
“Yes, I think u’re right. Let’s stop this before it becomes unstoppable.” I said thoughtfully.
“U know his house right?” Monica asked.
“Uuuhhm... I think so. I remember Jennifer telling me about it. How big and luxurious it is like ours is and bla-bla-bla” I said shaking my head.
“I think u should change. U look all dirty after the sports.” Monica smiled.
I looked at myself. I indeed was dirty. I just rolled my eyes. Monica smiled, stood up and went to my closet to get something for me to put on.
“Go freshen up my lady” She shouted from the closet. I stood up and went to freshen up.
When I came out, Monica was already dressed.
She wore a tight, pitch gown with pitch sandals.
She parked her hair backwards. She looked very simple but lovely with that dark hair of hers.
I wore what she picked for me which was a blue high waist jean with a pitch sleeveless shirt and pitch sandals. She packed my hair backwards too and did a little touch up for my face and we are ready to go.
“Wow, the pitch twins, where are u heading to??” My dad smiled at Monica and I as we came down the stairs.
“Uuhm, dad, we’ll be back shortly. We’re going for some important work” I said as we reached where he was sitting at the hall.
Monica giggled.
“Ok, no problem but be careful ok? Don’t get into any trouble” he said with a slight frown.
“Ok dad, goodbye!!” We said as we left. Jason, be ready to welcome my wrath. I gritted my teeth.
“Hey girlfriend, take it easy, we might get into an accident and break our tooth before we get there so how will u even talk to him then?”
Monica said as I was driving like a crazy woman.
I just rolled my eyes.
We’re finally here. Getting to his house wasn’t difficult at all.
“I’ll wait for you outside girlfriend” Monica said.
“No ma’am, u’re coming with me.” I answered, dragging her along.
“No ifs and buts ok!” I fired playfully but deep down I’m very nervous.
I’ll come head to head with Jason for the very first time.
Help me Lord I said as we rang the bell.
A very pretty and cute lady opened the door and looked kinda confused.
“Uuuhm please how may I help u?” She asked with a confused expression.
“Yeah, we’re looking for Jason” Monica quickly said looking at me with a frown.
“Is he expecting u?” She asked again.
“No, no, it’s kinda uuuhm a surprise visit” Monica replied.
“Ok, u can come in” she said, leading the way.
It was indeed as beautiful as our mansion too. It’s also very luxurious and classic.
We got to the luxurious living room and she asked us to sit.
We sat down and Monica elbowed me.
“Auch!!” I moaned.
“What are u thinking about?” She asked but before I could answer, the pretty girl shouted, looking up the stairs: “J baby, come downstairs.” She said.
Monica and I exchanged glances.
She started going to the cabinet to get some drinks.
“Baby!! Hurry.” She said again.
Then Jason replied from somewhere upstairs: “I’m coming sweetheart” he said.
My heart skipped.
I choked on my drink.
“Kate!!” Monica said.
“I told u he is a big flirt. U see? After Jennifer, it’s this lady here, and then who else is he dating” I said with gritted tooth.
Jason’s so irritating. Monica shook her head.
“Don’t jump to conclusions yet Kate.” Monica said and I rolled my eyes.
Jason’s finally here.
“Sweetheart I’m here!!” Jason said as he hugged the lady.
I felt tight.
“Finally. Anyways, u have visitors.” She said pointing at us.
Jason turned to us.
He is shocked to see us I guess.
I narrowed my eyes at him.
He’s left speechless.
Jason’s pov
I’ve been playing this game for a month now. But still, Kit hasn’t shown any interest in me.
I will end this very soon though it would be hard breaking up with that crazy girl Jenny. It’s enough that Jennifer pisses me off every single day and she’s always on my nerves. She’s so... ahhh.!! Well right now, I’m in my room.
I just finished taking my shower and I’m about to dress up when Clara called from downstairs: “J baby! Come downstairs” I just shook my head.
She’s Clara and I love her a lot.
“Baby! Hurry.” She shouted again.
“I’m coming sweetheart” I shouted.
I had to go.
I just put on my singlet and left.
I met her downstairs with a drink in her hand.
“I’m here sweetheart” I said as I hugged her, then she pointed to my visitors.
OMG!!! It’s Monica! Nicole’s sister.
And right beside her is Kit.
Oooh no.
This is bad.
My ex girlfriend’s sister Monica and my present ‘girlfriend’s’ sister Katherine. Katherine narrowed her eyes at me.
I have to control myself.
It isn’t really that bad.
Nicole is my ex back in the UK.
We’ve broken up already and Monica knows it.
“Ooh, so it’s u.” Monica said.
Kit shook her head.
“Yes, me” I quickly said.
“Jason, Kit wants to see u in camera” Monica said dragging Kit up.
“Ok, no problem. Katherine, u can follow me” I said going up the stairs.
Kit slowly followed me.
I smirked.
Immediately we reached the front of my room, I wanted to open the door for us to enter but Kit protested.
“This place is private enough. There’s no need entering into that room” she said.
I clenched my tooth and pulled her into the room.
I closed the door still holding her tight but I tripped on my shoes and we both fell on my bed with Kit on top of me as I was still holding her hand.
Wow!! I love this.
We looked into each other’s eyes for a considerable amount of time.
Then she pushed me away and got up, dusting herself.
“U flirt!” She fired.
“It wasn’t my fault” I said scratching my hair.
“I’m sure u planned this” She retorted angrily.
“Girl, I didn’t even know that u were here so how would I have planned this?” I said looking at her cute angry face.
I moved closer to her and took her hands.
“I’m sorry. I...” I couldn’t finish.
She pulled away.
“How dare u touch me? I’m not like those cheap sluts u always mess around with!” She thundered.
She really is a crazy angry bird.
“Kit D, wats wrong with u?” Why are u like this?” I asked passionately.
“U don’t love my sister do u?” She asked narrowing her eyes.
I smirked.
“I do. And u know it.” I replied.
“I know wat u’re up to.” She said again.
“Wat am I up to? Wats wrong with u?” I asked seriously.
“U are toying around with my sister, that’s wats wrong. U don’t love her and u’re playing with her feelings.” She said with tears in her voice.
I felt hurt.
I can’t see her cry. I had to confess.
“Fine, u’re right. I don’t fucking love Jenny” I fired.
She turned red.
“Why are u doing this to my Jenny?” She asked crying.
“I’m doing this because of u. U’re not...” she interrupted me
“‘Me?? How dare you blame me? I don’t even know u and neither do u know me so what are you talking about?” She blasted.
I regret what I’m doing to Jenny. I really do.
“Kit D, why don’t u like me huh? U didn’t fall for me like other girls do. Even ur sister fell for me. Y didn’t u?” I asked looking deep into her beautiful eyes.
“You wanna know why? U really wanna know y?” She asked me.
“Yeah I do” I replied. We were both breaking down.
“It’s because I hate u Williams!! I really hate u. U’re a flirt, a player, a heart breaker!” She cried as she went down on her knees.
This really hurts me. This is the first time i saw her cry. She used to be so tough u would never know she had feelings.
I held her up so that she hugged me.
“I hate u, I hate u” she kept on saying.
She was really hurt.
“I am here for u Kit D. Please don’t cry.” I said wiping her tears.
She got a grip on herself and pulled away from me.
“U know wat, I’ll go tell Jenny about u right now.” She said picking up her pitch purse.
“Wat will you tell Jenny?” I asked.
“I’ll tell her everything. I’ll tell her u never loved her and that u’re even cheating on her.” She said.
What’s she talking about? I know I don’t love Jenny but I’m not cheating on her.
“Wat are u talking about?” I asked.
She smirked.
To be Continued....

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