Dream- episode thirty five

Story by Chidimma Jerry

His phone Rang,he ignored the call and dropped the phone on the pavement
" sit"he said
I sat down
"Sir the girl you are looking for... uhmm what do you know about her?"I said
"How did you know I was looking for someone?"he asked
"I work for s-square"I said
"I know a few things But one thing I can't forget about her is the fact that she has an amazing voice.. "he said.
I took a deep breath
Oh no...if I tell him about me he will find out that I sang in that clip.
He knows that I sing
If they expose me my dad would find out that I sang
He will lock me up in north Korea
Bryan I want to tell you about me but I need to think thoroughly about this,I don't want to be sent away.
I am scared.
" What did you want to say?"he asked
"Ummm sorry"I said.
He stood up
"did you hear the announcement?"he asked
"Yes..the search comes first"I said
" ok"he said as he removed his jacket and tied it round his waist.
I looked at him fully.
What a body stature.
Soon we got to the camp
"Deya hy"min ah shouted.
"Deya quickly"Nora said.
It remained min ah,and her partner,Jeremy his partner.
Jace and Evan.
Then average students
Why are they calling only me won't Bryan go.
I looked at bryan and he moved away from me and strolled down his guard followed him again.
deya we have been waiting for you...join Them already the search has started"the military man said.
I looked at Bryan who was walking out.
"But what about Bryan?"i asked
"No he is not allowed to do that"min ah said.
I looked at Jeremy and he nodded.
"Deya quickly lets go"min ah shouted.
I looked at bryan,But I want to go with him..
I sighed and turned
"I thought it was decided that bryan would go this year"the female soilder said.
"No..his manager called,the board said its not worth the risk but he will surely Join the other Camp activities" the other sergeant said.
But what exactly are you allowed to do huh
Not allowed to date
Not allowed to collect gifts from fans
Not allowed to come out more than 3 times a week(according to rose)
Now this too..I felt sad.
Bryan walked down but the female soilder stood facing him.
He stopped.
"Ummm miss"he said.
all the students watched in awe...what a crazy soldier.
"Hey cutie,I actually follow you up because I love your songs but dont you think s- square Is controling your life way too much Huh?"she said.
Jeremy smiled.
Other soldiers where dragging the woman to shut up cos students started recording but she didn't care.
" uhmmm can you excuse me " bryan said and tried moving she stopped him again.
"I got fed up with this nonsense last year"she said.
"Sergeant"their commander said
"Let her talk" all the dreame boys said in one voice.
Wooooow hot.
"Last year all we heard was, bryan is not allowed to go on a search,Bryan is not allowed to sleep in a tent,Bryan is not allowed to eat in a crowd, Bryan is not allowed to do this Bryan can't do that, call his manger, call his manger jeez are you not human..this is a camp for crying out loud. We agree that your life has been threatened most as an idol..the gift bombs,the kidnaps etc. But they shouldn't restrict you like this. you are not a singing and dancing machine ...you need to have a life... so I don't care If glamor or s-square fires me but you are going on that search with deya,deya right?"she said
"Yes madam"I said.
"Good, Bryan move. deya you Will take care of your partner right?"she asked
I nodded
"Then it is settled."she said and Bryan's guard left.
I turned to Bryan...I mustered a lot of courage to say this
"Lets go together...it will be safe, promise"I said.
The female soilder smiled.
Bryan looked at me for a while
"Fine.. "he said
Everybody clapped.
"No body should upload that video please..for once lets all be family...Diego and s-square shouldn't hear of this..
Bryan didn't attend the search guys.let's not endanger our female soilder"min ah shouted.
The students deleted their video.
I walked beside bryan.
I was visibly so happy.
soon we all made a long line..but he didn't feel comfortable yet.. he didn't talk to or look at any one.
" deya have you seen the hint"jereny said
"No"I said
He handed me the paper I smiled.
Soon we got to a cross road.
Jeremy and nora followed one path.
Kelvin and min ah also did.
"We will all meet at the center guys"min ah shouted and they both rushed away
My mouth just placed me in trouble.
What if something happens..that soilder will loose her job and me too am
s- squares property I might loose my job.
"Sir, please lets follow here"i said Ponting left.
"Read out the hint"he said
"It says"something beautiful in a beautiful place" I said.
He nodded.
I walked beside him.
"Sir untie the jacket and wear it ...so you Wont feel cold" I said
He pulled it, his phone rang;Diego.
"Hey "
"Me? am at the camp as usual
He dropped the call
He tried stepping into a rock
"Sir wait...be careful "I said and used my leg to shift the Rock.
"thank you"he said in English.
his english is not like korea.
is he from korea
God i have alot of questions to ask you.
just waiting for that day when you will be free with me.
he looked around..
His hand behind him ..just like a king who walked out for the first time.
"Watch it,"he said and dragged me back, I looked down.
oh my! I almost fell into a ditch.
I bowed and ran further
"Wow amazing"i shouted as i saw the water fall from a distance.
I clapped my hands together happily.
"Whats that"Bryan said.
'The water fall"I said.
"Waaaaat"he added
"Quickly"I said and dragged his hand.
Oh em gee, who's Hand did I drag?
I hastily let go and bowed.
Then I ran off ...
"Is that how to take care of someone?"he said.
I ran back and we both walked up gently.
we both climbed the Rock.
"Carefully sir"I said and watched him climb up.
Then I ran up too...I slipped again and I almost fell he caught me again.
"Sorry sir"I said.
"I really I wonder who is protecting the other"he said making me smile. soon we arrived
It was pretty, he brought out his phone.
He took a picture and leaned on pavement to watch them
"Its pretty"he said.
"Oh there's the wishing bird" I said
"what's that?"he asked.
"If you wish on it it will grant your wish"I said.
"I don't believe in wishes"he said and walked out.
I smiled and ran behind him.
"Sir Look that tree has a wild umbrella."i said smiling
"I can't see ...oh I saw it"he said I smiled.
"Sir look the the squirrel was dancing" I said.'
he laughed... omg he really laughed.
"pretty"he said I smiled..and just looked in his face.he turned and I looked away.
I bowed and ran away again In front.
" What is this used for?"he asked.
I turned.
"Oh Its used to store rain water"I said as i held my bag on both hands.
"What Is rain water used for?"he asked.
"Well.... I will... tell you later"I said and scratched my hair
"Just say you dont know it miss"he added
I smiled and nodded
"I don't really know it sir"I said.
"better"he said.
Sir lets go down
We both walked down .
"Is that a flower? He asked.
"Oh its a special flower"i said
He squatted and I squat beside him.
"Special flower"He said and turned to look at me.
Our faces came so close so I tried moving back and that was how I almost fell but he held me.
"What Makes it special"he Said.
"What"I asked cos he was still holding me..
"The flower"he said.
"Well it belongs to the goddess of love"I said
He nodded and removed his hand from my body I fell down and he laughed at me.
"sorry"he said in English and dragged me up.
" Sir I want to ask you something"I said
"ok" he added
"Are you Korean?"i asked
"No am not"he said in English
"Oh...sorry for disturbing you" I said and tucked my hair behind my ear as I ran further.
We both strolled out and we walked a long distance on foot.
I looked around .... oh no.. we are lost..Were are we going to..
"Are we lost?"he asked.
"Hah!! We cant get lost sir...we are safe trust me"I said
Oh no, am dead....
"We are lost... you are dead now. I will call s-square right away" he said and brought out his phone
"Hey Dont--"i didn't know when i hit him"i opened my mouth and closed them.
ahhhhhh what did I do.
"he looked at me for a while
"wait...did you just hit me?"he asked
"Well....I didn't...sorry"I said.
he smiled.
we both walked down
"sir"I said and turned he moved away
"No i Dont want to hit you"I said and opened my palm
"who said I was scared of you hitting me..I was just trying to balance. imagine?"he said and scoffed.
"oh" I raised my hand to remove the cobwed I saw facing him but he flinched again.
I smiled and ran further.
I keep smiling right now but am so scared.
I feel like i am moving about with a box of diamonds that should be safe.
we are lost what if something happens fo that person.
I turned to look at him.
he looked around quietly.
I smiled ...I want to get lost with you any way... if you go back to your real life you Wont notice someone like me anymore.
"Sir...walk faster"I said and waved
"ahhh that's stressful"he said
"Sir we need to find the treasure"I said
"fine am coming"he hastened his foot steps and Soon he got to where I was.
"am tired.."he said in korea
"oh lets sit"I said and We both sat down.
"now am hungry"he said and lay back.
what a pack of problem.
I opened my bag.
"Here"I said and handed him the noodle
"What about yours?"he asked.
I brought out the next one.
He nodded.
His phone rang again
"Hey dad"he said and handed me the cup and i opened it.
"I am at the camp...no I didn't go"he said.
"Jeremy can't attend so Franco..."..
"I don't have issues with Franco so it's safe"..
"Ok ...tell Jacky I sent the stuff"...
"Noo .... uhmm its not money...
He dropped the phone
Jacky..does he have a sister.
"uhmmm did nana smash my phone"he asked and ate.
"Yes sorry "I said
he nodded
"Whatever"he added
Soon we finished everything eatable in my bag..quietly while looking up.
not even talking to each other.
I only respond when he talks.
I am scared to talk about other things.
I hate being snubbed.
Evening fell I just got more scared.
It got so dark I couldn't see him clearly anynore
"so Deya,is that your full name?"he said
"No odeya"I said
"ODEYA odeya odeya, you don't sing right?"he said
"Huh? Well ..I don't"I said.
He didn't talk.
"Am scared cos i can't see you anymore"i said
he took my hand and moved me over.I stood up and sat beside him he took my hand.
"am right here"he said.
I smiled.
"Yes..Am sorry for getting you lost"I said.
"Am happy i got lost"he said.
"Am tired of living, searching, wishing, wanting.that girl you asked about,do you know her?"he asked
"Well...I don't"I said
"she's the main reason am tired of living..I hate wishes, I stopped making wishes when I become an orphan but ...she's making me wish for things i can't have..it would have been better if she didn't come into my life than coming in and living so soon just like my family did... it's painful...when something that is so ethereal gives you hope" he said.
He dragged me up we walked down.
I wiped my tears hastily.
"I hear gen sounds"he said.
I smiled and held his hand tighter."..
sorry...you don't understand.
unless--is there a way you can accept me and i won't sing with you?
but I have a feeling thats what you need the most from me and i Dont ever want to cause you pain by saying no to you.
I wish i found mum.
After a while we saw a house I smiled and looked on his face
"Thank you"I said
He nodded and carefully let go off my hand.
I walked in behind him.
We both knocked and an older woman opened
"good day"she said.
"please mum, we got lost in the forest, can you help uz"I said.
"Well since your husband is so handsome why not"she said
I looked at bryan and smiled.
We walked In
"Are you just returning from your honey moon?"she said.
I smiled to myself
She opened a door and handed us polo's then left us in the room.
"Goodnight...it's okay to switch off your room light the weather is cold..I know you understand" she said
My eye widened.
"Noooooo we can't stay in one room" I said.
"No need go be shy...you need a baby too"she said
"No madam you don't understand" she walked away and locked the door.
I stood still and tucked my hair into my ear then faced the door.
Bryan removed his ear ring and dropped on the table.
He untied his hair and took his phone.
He removed his white shirt and wore the cloth the woman gave us.
ahhh so has a tattoo.
he turned I looked away.
I was still thinking of how to change.
now this room is hot I would have worn the top she gave me alone but the hand is kinda short so I need to still wear my jacket. I don't want anyone to see me skin.
oh God how do I change.
I turned to face him.
"Should I leave?"he asked.
"Well she thinks we are married"I said.
"Can you face the wall?"i asked.
" i hate looking at walls" he said.
" uhmm face the mirror"i said.
"I will still see you"he said.
Well "I used my scarf to cover his eye."...
"please Dont move it."I said
"Like I want to see you"he said rudely
I smiled.. now I can look at you and you Wont see me.
I carefully pulled out my white top and wore the t-shirt.
then wore my jacket and covered my hair fully.
"I will untie your eye now"I said and carefully removed my scarf.
We both looked at the bed.
I can't possibly stay here with a man and he too can't stay with a girl this close.
We both sighed together.
"I will stay on the floor"i said
"Ok"he said and fell on the bed.
I saw alot of mattress under the bed.
I spread them and fell asleep.
Bryans pov.
I fell on my pillow.
God I need reception.
s-square will try my line soon.
Today was fun.
That baby doll made my day.
The more I get used to her the more I wish she was a singer.
I stood up and she was on the floor.
Gosh in this weather.
why did she roll off.
I tapped her and she lay well.
I tried moving and she rolled off again.
that was when I saw my necklace on the floor.
I mean my reine's necklace.
how come the pendant is here I am sure the necklace is in my phone park.
I picked the pendant from the floor beside her and picked my phone from the floor.
how could I get so careless.
I opened my phone pack and the necklace was still there.
I am so confused... was it twinned.
I looked at the floor where she lay...
omg ....I am such a fool.
"Sir i want to tell you something" she said that to me so twice but I just couldn't figure it out.
it's her..odeya.
same girl.
I can't believe Jeremy and Diego.
is that why my room was next door.
other than being the girl that I want
she is also the girl s square wants.
I smiled and lifted her up from the floor.
then I kept her on my pillow.
how dare you frustrate me.
I removed the hair warmer and her hair fell free.
if only you didn't like wearing these,I am sure I would have found you since.
she smiled in her sleep.
The End.

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