Music: James Agbo - Unstoppable


James Agbo releases a brand new praise anthem titled 'Unstoppable'.

Life is not always a bed of roses, we go through really trying times irrespective of our status, gender, colour, denomination, tribe, religion, qualifications, etc.

I've discover that one of the greatest Challenge of man is not the Economy, Government or Background, but negative words from people.

The seed of negative words sown is enough to poison and Ruin one's destiny.

Growing up for me was full of ups and downs. I had my fair share of lies told on me, and negative words spoken to me, but one of the things that helped me overcome that phase of life was the Gift of Godly parents and an Amazing Mum ( MRS ALICE AGBO OF BLESSED MEMORY)

She kept on reminding me that you're a destiny child and a Nazarite and therefore you must allow these words sink right inside of you.

Even when I didn't look like what she was seeing and saying ( Prophesying over me), she kept on saying them to me constantly, and mostly when ever I misbehaved.

My life began to change when I started seeing MYSELF in the eyes of my Late Mum and started believing in myself and the GREATNESS on my inside.

My Dad and siblings were not left out, they kept encouraging me and giving me hope that I can be that person God has destined me to be.

God opened my eyes to see colony of forces who wants me down and amount to nothing in this life right from infancy but they failed wooflly because He that is in me is Greater than he that is in the world.

If God be for you, who can be against you?

I've seen physical and spiritual attacks, I've seen men boast that as far as they are concerned I won't be heard..haha

In all of these, I remained consistent and was never perturbed, because I have DIRECT ACCESS TO ALAGBADA INA Through Prayers, worship and Praises, and He ALWAYS hears me and deliver Victory to me.

I'm a living Testimony of a man who is UNSTOPPABLEbecause of the mercy of God.

I want to encourage someone reading this right now that, No man born of a woman can STOP YOU.

Know your IDENTITY in Christ Jesus and you're settled for Life, for The greater one lives inside of you!

Believe in yourself and what God has predestined you to be, pursue it with all you've gat on your inside and I assure you, you'll emerge TRIUMPHANT.


God bless you!

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