If you have faith as a grain of a mustard seed you can say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you. In this saying spoken by the Master, we are made aware that within man lies great power. A power not controlled by a great God in the sky, but a power existing within man govern by belief. And the Master points out, that you need not have this power in great abundance to do the impossible, but a mustard size portion is sufficient to move mountains.

Let us be reminded who speaks. It is the Master Yahushua, he who made a withered arm straight, gave sight to the blind, and even stopped the boisterous winds and high waves. He said, You can say unto this mountain, be removed, and it shall be done as you say. But many today are not taught this mountain moving faith. Therefore, many today speak of a powerless faith, that speaks mostly to their particular denomination, e.g, “I am of the baptist faith, or I am of the catholic faith, or even as a belief to the existence of a god, but not about a power existing within to move mountains.

Why has so many who call themselves Christians been duped into accepting a powerless expression of faith? The answer lies in the pulpit, where many a pastor not filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, preach God’s Will to the detriment of those desiring to walk by faith. In other words, many are taught, if it’s not God’s will don’t expect healing, or whatever change you desire. So many believe, and say, “How do I know if its God’s will? If it isn’t God’s will for me, I’m not gonna get it.” Foolish, for by their own expression of unbelief, doubt robs them of all good to be gained.

How long must I suffer you, the Master cries? Who has demonstrated, I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life, these dark minded pastors who seek to rob you of your earnings, then say God made them rich, or the Master Yahushua? Religion has made him a god to worship, foolishly ignoring in his life we see the laboratory results, or the scientific proof of how to walk by faith and not by sight.

To those who no longer desire to hear these words from the Master, “Wherefore did you doubt, O’ you of little faith.” Let us delve into his teachings to acquire the Metaphysical understanding which takes us beyond religious bondage, or ignorant doubt, to enter that faith filled realm where you can have what you say. Consider the certain woman with the issue of blood for twelve years, who had suffered many things, of many physicians, and had spent all that she had. When she heard of Yahushua, she made her way through the multitude of people thronging him, to touch the hem of his clothes. For she said WITHIN herself, “If I can touch the hem of his clothes, I shall be made whole.

IMAGINE if you will this woman bent over by her disease. See her mental determination as she forces her way through the press. See the look on the faces of those she moves past, some suffering from afflictions, all seeking to touch, and are touching the Master. Yet, until this woman touches the hem of his garment and is immediately healed, he does not stop. Yet he does stop when she touches him, saying, “Who touched me?

Who? Hundreds are thronging you, if not thousands, say the Disciples, and you ask, “Who touched me?” Who touched me came the reply, for I perceived that virtue has gone out from me. But the woman trembling and fearing, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth. And Yahushua said unto her, Daughter, thy faith has made thee whole. Notice he did not say, It was God’s will, or any religious banter. He spoke spiritual law in stating, “Thy faith has made thee whole.” Have you not read, “According to your faith BE it done unto you.”

The key word in understanding this passage is the word WITHIN. The passage reads, “For she said WITHIN herself.” Within what? Her big toe, her behind, what? Bear with me, you have no idea how many are blind, and continue to sit in spiritual darkness as it is taught by false teachers. Well has the Master said, “If you have Faith,” for the teachings taught and observed in many churches today do not teach faith. Instead services are consumed with emotionalism, and the foolish falling to the ground in an empty display of being filled with the Holy Ghost.

Over and over again many go up to the altar only to leave once again without. Like the multitude thronging Yahushua, none of them had the faith to be healed, like unto the certain woman. To her only did he stop and say, “Daughter, your faith has made you whole. “For she said within herself, if I can touch the hem of his clothes I shall be made whole.” Many are they who have doubt going to the altar, and think with doubt leaving the altar. These are they who are crippled by, “It wasn’t God’s will. Yahushua said, “If you have FAITH, YOU can say…”

The Metaphysics of faith speak to an action of mind in full agreement with the written word. This is the righteousness, or the right-use-ness of thought in action. The certain woman passage so clearly defined this law. Within her, within her consciousness, there was no doubting reservations, no but inclusions, only belief in it is written. Here again is the law, “Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed and cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things he/she saith shall come to past; he shall have whatsoever he/she says.” Does not this law define clearly why Yahushua spoke to the certain women saying, “Daughter, thy faith has made thee whole.”

Yahushua, throughout his three year demonstration, focused on the spiritual enrichment of his consciousness through meditation, prayer, and fasting. By these three principles he raised the dead, walked on water, and made a fig tree withered to its roots. I have yet to see anything accomplished by those falling down writhing on the ground, or those performing rituals in Latin. To them, and all like them, sickness and disease, and tribulations of all kind say, Yahushua, I know. Paul, I know. But who are you?

To be continued:

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