Life of an illiterate episode seventeen

David couldn't believe what she had just said.
He felt himself getting really furious but tried
controlling himself. He held her more tighter
trying to prevent himself from doing anything
he might regret later.
"What? " he managed to ask calmly.
"I am sorry but I have tried all I can to love you.
I just couldn't find it in my heart to"
"Is it because of that boy? That childhood friend
of yours who you were impatiently waiting for.
You have never waited for me so badly before"
'Stop this David. It has nothing to do with him. I
don't just love you"
But why are you just telling me now? Why didn't
you tell me from the very first day I approached
"I liked you so much then. I was trying to be
sure of my feelings for you but now I have
realized I don't love you at all"
"This can't be true! " He screamed out not able
to control his anger anymore. He pushed her
roughly causing her to fall on her arm causing a
"I am serious. I don't love you! "
"Just keep quiet now! All this while we were In
London, you had been joking with my feelings "
"No I have not. I thought I could learn to love
you since I liked you so much" Realizing he
wasn't getting her point, she walked toward him
and knelt slowly at his feet with tears rolling
down her cheeks. "Please forgive me David. I
am sorry". David shook his head vigorously as if
telling her no, that would be impossible. He
rudely kicked her off with his leg and walked out
without bothering to look back. "Please wait
David! We have to talk properly.". He refused to
stop. He walked out the exit door and down the
flight of stairs. Christian twisted his nose in
anger feeling upset about what was going on.
The stupid dude had left his future bride in the
middle of their party just like that. He never
expected that at all especially when it came to
his close friend. He brought himself together
and began going after the moron. Clara saw this
and shouted out to him to wait but he didn't.
"Christian he is hot tempered. Don't do anything
foolish now" She pleaded.
"No! He didn't do right by pushing you down
like that. You are his future wife. He can't just
abandon you like this due to a small issue"
"I understand but wait " He didn't listen. He
increased his pace and was able to catch up
with David right in time before he could get into
his car.
"How dare you fool make her cry that way? Who
do you even think you are?
"Who are you? get off my way"
"I thought you loved her. Why did you just
dump her that way? "
"It is certainly none of your business. This is
between I and my fiancee. I very well know it is
due to you she had broken up with me. I have
known from the very beginning she wasn't
happy with the relationship and also this
marriage. I was just waiting for her to spill the
beans. Why don't you just take her? I am no
more interested in a pretender anymore. Have
her if you want"
"How can you say that so comfortably? "
"She doesn't love me as that's the bitter truth.
Why can't you see that? "
"You can't just abandon her like this"
"She left me. I didn't leave her. Will you please
leave me alone now and let me go? She has
really hurt my feelings today " After this words,
David got into his car and drove off rudely with
full speed. Christian rubbed his hair and turned
to Clara who had been staring this whole time.
Her tears had stopped.
"Why did you act like that? What is wrong with
you?" he asked in annoyance. "You Are insane"
"Yes I am insane but this is because of you. I
didn't love him. I loved you. How can I marry
someone else when you are right there
Christian. You were sitting down there so lonely
while I Danced with another man. It's pathetic
you know"
"I don't want to be with you. I don't love you.
You deserve a rich guy who can take care of
"You are wealthy to me. I need nothing more. I
just want you"
"I am not interested "
To be continued....
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