My Sister My enemy - Episode eight

My sister my enemy
Episode 8
Katherine’s POV
Jason came down the stairs and he was looking so hot in his singlet and pants .
He looked at me and I narrowed my eyes.
He’s doomed for today.
I will so deal with him.
Fast forward ***
When I told him I would tell Jenny about his unfaithfulness, he looked confused.
“And u even went as far as bringing her to ur house in ur mom’s absence.” I said .
He smiled. Is he crazy!
“Ooh! U’re talking about Clara” he said.
So her name’s clara.
“Ooh yes.” I half smirked.
“U’re mistaken ok.” He said.
“I saw it with my own two eyes. All the baby and sweetheart rubbish” I air coated.
He smiled.
“Oh that. Don’t let that confuse u. She’s my sis ok.” He said.
I felt kinda relieved to hear this.
Why’s that. It’s not as if I care.
“And wat makes u think that I’ll believe u?” I asked.
He came very close to me.
There were butterflies in my stomach. He’s so cute.
“I know u do” he said looking into my eyes.
He started coming closer and I move backwards until I hit the wall.
I can’t move again as he placed his two hands on each side of the wall around me.
It kinda feels good.
He brought his lips close to my lips as if he wanted to kiss me but he moved it to my ear and whispered “Are u jealous,Kit D?”
“No, no I’m not” I whispered back.
“U believe me right?” He said again.
“I do, but why all the sweetheart and baby stuff?” I whispered back.
He moved to the other ear. Ooh gosh. My stomach felt tight.
“She just calls me baby because she thinks I still behave like a baby. And I call her sweetheart simply because she’s the sweetest sis in the world. I mean after my mom, it’s Clara. I love her so much. She’s just the very best.” He said.
Now, I’m happy.
He moved his lips close to mine.
He was about to kiss, and I was ready to push but just then, the door opened and it was Monica and Clara.
“Ooh, here they are” Clara said and left.
“Hope I’m not interrupting” Monica said moving forward.
I was kinda embarrassed.
This flirt Jason almost trapped me.
Katherine’s POV (continuation)
“Uuhm... no no, no u’re not interrupting us in any way” I said looking at Jason.
Monica coughed a little.
“Kate, can we leave now??” She asked motioning to leave.
“Yes,... yes of course. I’m done talking to Williams.” I said looking at Jason.
He smiled.
Ooo why does he look so cute?
Well, I’ll have to talk to Jennifer about him. Monica and I left.
“Bye beautiful ladies!!” He shouted.
Monica and I rolled our eyes.
I didn’t even talk to Monica.
And she also didn’t bother asking me.
Thank God for that.
We got home and Jennifer’s already home.
I would tell her right now.
Jennifer’s POV
Jason and I have been dating for 1 month now and he hasn’t even touched me.
He also never makes a move on me.
I’m always the one who kisses him or no kiss for me.
I don’t really understand him.
And the worst part is that Nicole hasn’t even met my boyfriend.
She’s always busy and this and that and so on.
I got home from a friend’s party and sat tiredly on the couch in the hall and threw my heels on the floor.
I’m so tired.
Jason didn’t even come with me.
His sister is around or something.
I’m used to it anyways.
Kit and Monica just arrived.
Kit looked really pissed.
“Jenny, I wanna see u right now.” She said dragging me to my room.
“Hey, Kit, wats wrong?” I asked once she closed the door.
“Jenny I told u that Williams is just a flirt.” She said. I smiled.
“Kit, so it’s Jason again? I know u don’t like him at all but please stop always seeing something wrong about him all the time.” I said.
“But Jenny...”
“Kit, I know u love me a lot and that’s why u always look out for me and I love you too. Please, don’t let Jason come between our love for each other.” I said seriously.
“Jenny, I know, but he doesn’t love u in the slightest bit. He confessed it to me with his own mouth.” She said.
I’m really getting pissed off.
“Kit, so u’re going as far as accusing him of that? I know u don’t like him but this is going too far.” I said angrily.
“So u don’t believe me? I’m only trying to save you the heartbreak before it becomes too late and deep. Prevention is better than cure.” She said looking straight into my eyes.
Mehhn is Kit going crazy or something!
“Kit, please, let this be the first and the last time that u say such about Jason. I know he loves me so please, give me some space ok!” I answered angrily and stormed out of the room.
Fast forward ***
Three days later.
“Kate, u know u still haven’t told me wat happened with Jason”. Monica said.
“Yeah I know but...” I said.
“But wat??” She asked.
“Ok, it’s like this...” I told her everything.
She just smiled when I finished.
“Hey Nics, why are u smiling?” I asked confused.
“Kate, I think u’ve fallen for Jason.” She said.
“What!! Me?? Impossible. Stop being ridiculous.” I said rolling my eyes.
“Ooh really!! Lover girl. U had butterflies in ur stomach when he came very close to u. U didn’t try to push him. U think he looks hot in those singlet and blablabla!” She said smiling.
I rolled my eyes and stood up from the armchair.
She winked at me and I picked up a pillow and threw it at her.
“Katherine’s in love!!” She chanted.
And we had the best pillow fight ever.
It was fun.

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