My Sister My Enemy Episode Nine

Fast forward ***
3 months later.
Jason’s POV
I’m at the park with Jason and some of some lady fans.
I smiled to myself when I remembered the incident with Kit.
I wonder what is so special about her.
She doesn’t throw herself at me like the others.
She tries her best to keep her distance.
She probably hates me.
She is so cute and lovely.
Her pink lips are also very tempting.
“Hey dude! Thinking of Kit again huh?” Jake asked laughing.
“What? Me? No, not at all” I said looking away. Jake smiled.
“Jason, I know you so well by now. U just remembered how close u were to her that night and how pretty and cute she looked with her fair skin, pink lips, shiny dark straight hair which shines in the sunli... Auch!! Why did u hit me?” He asked.
“JK, I remember saying she looked cute but I never went into details like u are right now.” I said with narrow eyes.
“Uuhhm...” he murmured.
“U like Kit?” I asked.
He looked suspicious.
“Well obviously!! She’s almost like my best friend.” He said with a suspicious smirk.
I hope it’s not wat I’m thinking.
“I gat my eyes on u dude” I said.
“Fine! So how are u planning the birthday?” He asked.
I was confused.
What’s he talking about.
He immediately read my mind.
“Gosh! I can’t believe u forgot ur own birthday. It’s just tomorrow.” He said slapping his forehead.
Ooh no. I can’t believe I forgot about my very own birthday! I’m so stupid.
I have to call mom.
“Hey mummy.” I said into the phone.
I spoke with mom for a while.
I’m so disappointed.
“Dude, wats wrong?” Jake asked looking at me.
“Well, no birthday party for me.” I replied looking down.
“How’s that even possible?” He asked.
“I don’t study anymore, I’m totally unserious and very flirtatious.” I said.
“Jason, don’t be sad, we’ll celebrate it our own way ok.” Jake said with concern.
“I wish. Mom said I won’t step a feet out of my room, much less out of the house tomorrow. And u know I can’t disobey my mom no matter wat. I love her too much.” I replied.
“Hmmm. Are u sure u’re ok?” Jake asked.
“I am. I can serve any punishment to make my mom happy.” I said cheerfully.
I got up and we went to have fun.
We went home afterwards and I didn’t come out of my room till forever. (Tomorrow)
Jennifer’s POV
I was in the garden when Jake called me.
He told me something.
“Ok, no problem. I’ll handle it.” I said and hung up.
“Who was that?” Nicole asked.
“Uuhm... it’s just a friend.” I said.
It wasn’t really a lie was it? Jake is a friend right.
He just doesn’t want me to tell anyone.
This will be fun.
We had a plan for this Easter but I have to cancel it.
“Uuhm... Cole, we’ll go somewhere else today. You’ll enjoy it better.” I said.
“Hmmm... u’re acting weird.” She said.
I just shrugged.
Katherine’s POV
Today is Easter and we have a holiday. Jennifer, Nicole, Monica and I are going to celebrate it together.
Oo I’m so happy.
I’m going to wear a crazy black jeans with a white sleeveless top and white sneakers.
Ooo, the trio are here: Monica, Nicole and Jennifer.
It’s kinda weird.
“Cole, Jenny, why are u dressed like u’re going to a ball with ur long ball dresses?” I asked confused.
“They came to me telling me to dress like them as well.” Monica raised her jaw.
“Uuhm, it’s because we’re having a change of plans. We’re going to a ball.” Jennifer smiled.
Anyways, I care less about where we’re going as long as we’re all together.
“Ok!!” I smiled. “I have to change wat I want to wear then. There’s no way I’ll wear some crazy jean to a ball” I said with a wink.
They all chuckled.
Jennifer specially chose my dress for me by herself.
She was wearing a white dress straight to the knee and oval from the knee downward.
This made her look kinda sexy and cute, exposing her wild hips.
She wore yellow high heels and a yellow purse.
She styled her hair like Cinderella.
She looks stunning.
She chose a yellow dress of the same design as hers.
White heels and a white purse.
I told her to just give me a simple hairstyle but she didn’t listen as she gave me the same hairstyle as hers.
We wore exactly the opposite of each other’s outfit.
I must say we look great.
When we came out of my closet, Cole and Nics grasped.
“Wow!! U look like a goddess Kit!” They both said and I blushed.
“It’s all the work of my sweet sis Jenny” I smiled and she bowed.
Now we’re ready to go.
We used my B.M.W car.
Cole decided to ride.
She was also looking great with her red dress with the exact same design as ours.
Monica wore a black dress with the exact same design.
U know how we mixed our colors.
Jenny and I ( white and yellow) Monica and Nicole (red and black) cool right?
We all looked great.
We started chatting in the car as Nicole rode. The road started getting familiar.
There’s something about this road.
I think I’ve been here before.
“Where’s this?” I asked Jenny.
She smiled.
“You’ll see” she replied.
Monica and I exchanged glances.
I hope it’s not wat we’re thinking.
“We’re here.” Jennifer shouted.
“Woohooo!!!!” Nicole shouted.
This has been my fear.
What on earth are we doing here? Monica and I exchanged glances once again.
I shook my head.
We highlighted from the car.
Gosh, there were so many cars and people.
“What’s going on here?” I whispered to Nics.
“I fucking don’t know!” She whispered back.
We went towards the entrance and all eyes were on us.
We all blushed.
Guess where we are!!
To be Continued....

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