Tales of the blind seer: Episode one

"Anna, it morning, get your sleeping ass of that bed!.. it time for school." Anna's mum said opening the window.
Anna stood up but fell back to the bed because everywhere was dark, she wiped her eyes to be sure that her eyes are not decieving her.
"Mother, everywhere is dark." She said still wiping her eyes.
"What do you mean by everywhere is dark?" Her mother asked turning to her.
"I don't know but I can only see darkness." Anna said with a breaking voice.
"What are you saying Anna? It almost 8:00am and you are saying everywhere is dark when sun has raised already.... Don't tell me this is your new way of refusing to go to school this morning?" Said her mother as she sat beside her.
"Mother am serious of what am saying, you know how much I love going to school... I can't even see you." Anna said.
"Ahah!!! You mean you can't see me your mother?" Her mum asked.
"Yes mother, everywhere is very dark." Anna said crying.
"Eeeeh!! My daughter can't go blind! No she can't go blind at early age." Her mother said crying.
"Mother is okay, God knows the best..I believe He knows why this happened and thank God I am alive." Anna said consoling her mother.
"Anna, a human without sight is not a complete human." Her mum said.
"I know mother and a blind human that is not sick, his/her hands and legs are complete is better than the dead and also better than the sick and the laid." Anna said with confidence.
"Your faith battifulled me sometimes my daughter." Her mum said.
"Yes mother, I have confidence in God." Anna said and smile.
Her father (Mr Desmond) walked into her room.
"Why is she not dressed yet? She might get late for school." Mr Desmond said.
"Honey, our daughter has gone blind, she can't see anymore." Anna's mum (Mrs Desmond) said.
"What? What are you talking about? Does it mean that my daughter can't see me?" He asked sitting beside Anna.
"Honey let's take her to the hospital." Mrs Desmond suggested.
"No mother, I will be fine." Anna said.
"Will you shot your mouth up!! You will be fine when you suddenly got blind over night!" Mr Desmond yelled.
"Sweetheart please get her dressed, let's go to the hospital to see the doctor." Mr Desmond said before leaving the room.
"Mum please I don't want to go to the hospital." Anna said almost crying.
"Sweetheart am sorry, we can't disobey your dad." Her mum said bringing out her clothes from her wardrobe.
An hour later, Mr Desmond, his wife and their daughter (Anna) were sorted opposite doctor Matthew in his office.
"So doctor, tell us what's the result from the examination." Mr Desmond said.
"Actually Mr Desmond, accord to the examination, there's nothing wrong with your daughter's eyes physically." Doctor Matthew said.
"Doc, what do you mean?" Mrs Desmond asked.
"What I mean madam is that your daughter's eyes are perfectly okay physically but the problem here is that she couldn't or might not be able to see again in her life " doctor Matthew said.
"What?? You just said there's nothing wrong with her eyes physically, so what do you mean by she might not be able to see again in her life?" Mr Desmond asked.
"Sir that's what the examination said and I must confess, I am equally confused like you are..it very strange." Doctor Matthew said.
"Heeeey!! Doctor are you trying to say my daughter can not see anymore?" Mrs Desmond asked.
"Exactly madam." Doctor Matthew replied.
"Heey! No! No! My only daughter can't go blind just like that." Mr Desmond said........... Mrs Desmond was already crying.
"Am sorry sir/ma, there's nothing I can do, I suggest you take her to a very powerful man of God." Said doctor Matthew.
"Mum, Dad, don't worry about my sight I will be fine..my God will not abandon me." Anna said.
"Shot your mouth! Your God will not abandon you when you have gone blind already! Which God are you even talking about?" Mr Desmond yelled at her.
"Honey please take it easy with her." Mrs Desmond said.
"Will you shot your mouth!" He yelled at his wife.
"Father, the God I serve will deliver me and give me back my sight at the right time... I have faith and I trust Him, He will never let me down." Anna said with so much confidence which makes her parents and doctor Matthew to become speechless.
They left the hospital and went home, Mr Desmond went to his office.
Later that day, Anna sat at the front of their house singing when chidi her classmate and childhood friend came to check on her because he didn't see her in school. Anna heard his footsteps when he walked into their compound.
"Who is that?" She asked trying to moved her stick which her mother had given to her.
"Anna, it me Chidi." He said walking closer to her.
"Ah Chidi, how are you?" She asked sitting back on her seat.
"Am fine and you?" He asked too.
Am fine." She replied trying to touched his hand.
"Anna, what happened? Why were you not in school today and why are you holding this stick?" He asked.
"Hmm, I woke up this morning and realized that I am blind." She said.
"What? Blind? How? You mean you can't see ma?" He asked surprisely.
"Exactly, I can't see anybody or anything except darkness." She said.
"Jesus Christ! So what are your parents doing about it?" He asked feeling concerns.
"They took me to the hospital today and after the examination the doctor said that I am completely blind and that I might not be able to see again in life." She explained.
"God forbid! I reject it, you will see, you can't just go blind over night." Chidi said.
"I believe God will do His miracle in my life." She said.
"I believe so too, so you can't see me again." He asked and she nod with smile.
That night, Anna had a dream,....... In her dream, she was walking from light to darkness, she got to a spot and stopped when she heard her name.
"Who are you?" She asked looking around when a beautiful damsel appeared in front of her.
"Who are you and what do you want?" Anna asked
"I am queen Morgan." The damsel said.
"Queen Morgan or whatever you called yourself what do you want from me?" She asked.
"Anna, serve me and I will give you back your sight." Queen Morgan said.
"Never! I will never serve you, I serve the only true God and He will give me back my sight." Anna said.
"Which God?! Your God that has abandon you? Just now to me and you will live a better life." Queen Morgan said.
"My God has not abandoned me, He is always with me and I know that He will give me back my sight at the right time." She said.
"And when is this right time? Oh you forgot that you are a woman and you will get married someday and no man with his right senses will marry a blind girl." Queen Morgan said.
"And lemme remind you that I serve a powerful and mighty God who knows everything before it was form and before I will get to the age of marriage He will definitely give back my sight." Anna said.
"And if He don't?" Queen Morgan asked.
"Then so be it!" Anna said.
"You are a big fool! I will make your life misterable that you will beg for death." Queen Morgan said in anger and frustration..
"You can't do me anything! Get behind me you daughter of darkness from the pit of hell in the name of Jesus!" Anna said and queen Morgan screamed and disappeared.
Then Anna woke up from her dream, she prayed over it before she slept again.
In the morning, she was the first to woke up, she went out of her room and was going outside when her mother met her.
"Anna." Her mum called rushing to her.
"Mother, good morning." She greeted with smile.
"Good morning angel, how was your night?" Her mum asked.
"It was fine mum and yours?" She asked too.
"It was great, I over heard you praying last night." Her mum said.
"Yes mother." She replied.
"I hope there's no problem?" Her mum asked.
"Not at all mother." She replied.
"Okay, come let's go to the dinner table, breakfast is ready." Her mum said taking her hands.
"No mother, I am not hungry..I need to see someone I will be back." She said releasing her hands from her mum's hand.
"Where are you going? And besides you can't go alone because of your condition." Her mum said.
"Mum you worried too much....I have no condition and the spirit of God who sent me will lead me and show me the way." She said walking away with the help of her stick.
"Anna please becareful." Her mum said.
"I will mum." She said.
Her mum starred at her as she walked slowly away, she smiled and shook her head before walking away.
Anna went to one of the house that was close to their house where Mr Thomas and his family were living, she knocked at their door but got no response so she decided to wait out for them.
Few minutes later, Mr Thomas came out tieing wrapper around his waist and was holding a chewstick and a cup of water.
"Good morning Mr Thomas." Anna greeted which makes Mr Thomas to be scared.
"Anna, what are you doing here and how did you know I am the one? I thought I heard that you are blind?" He asked.
"Yes, you heard well Mr Thomas and consigning your question, I know you all in this town but God knows you better." She said.
"So what are you doing here this early morning?" He asked.
"I have a message for you and your family." She said.
"A message? For me and my family,! So what is this message all about?" He asked.
"Do not allow your son (Tony) to go out for three days else he will die.. it has be programmed that your son will die by this time next tomorrow, for it not to manifest..he must stay in doors for three days and you and your wife must fast and pray for him. That's the message." She said.
"What nonsense! What gave you that right to come to my house and say such word? It's you and your parents that will die not my son!.... Now get out of my house before I kick you out myself blind witch." Mr Thomas said angrily.
"I am nothing but a messenger, take it or leave it.. I have delivered my message do have a nice day." Anna said walking away when Mrs Thomas and Tony came out.

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