Tales of the blind seer: Episode two

"My husband, I heard your voice from inside what happened?" Mrs Thomas asked .
"Don't mind this blind witch." Mr Thomas said.
"Blind witch Kwa! Who is this blind witch?" Mrs Thomas asked.
"It's Anna Desmond off course." Mr Thomas said.
"What did she do?" Tony asked.
"You won't believe that she came here this early morning saying that we shouldn't allow our son (Tony) to go out or three days that it has be programmed that he will die by this time next tomorrow and that we should fast and pray for him." Mr Thomas explained.
"God forbid! It's her she and her parents that will die not my son." Mrs Thomas said.
"She is not just a blind witch, she is also a bastard." Tony said angrily.
"Papa, if you ask me I will say we should listen to her, for her to come here in her blind states this early morning...it means that this message is very important." Anita (Mr Thomas only daughter) said as she walked out of the house.
"Will you shut your mouth! What do you know?" Mr Thomas asked.
"Don't mind her, her mates are talking about marriage...she is here interferring on matters that didn't concerns her." Tony said.
"Will you go inside and start your morning chores?!" Mrs Thomas said.
"Let's listen to what Anna said before we regret it later, I have said my own oh." Anita said walking inside.
"Shut your mouth there!" Mr Thomas yelled at her and turned to his wife.
"Are you sure Anita is my daughter?" He asked.
"What kind of question is that?" Mrs Thomas asked too.
"Erm..papa/Mama, I have to be on my way now." Tony said stepping down from the door post.
"Okay go well my son." Mr Thomas said.
"Nothing will happen to you my son." Mrs Thomas said.
"Thank you papa/Mama." Tony said and left.
On his way to work, he met Anna walking slowly to her father's house...he walked pass her without saying a word to her but suddenly stopped when Anna called him.
"Uncle Tony good morning." She said and Tony turned in shocked and surprised face.
"How on earth did you know that I am the one that passed you? I thought you are blind?" Tony asked surprisely as he walked slowly to her.
"Yes I am blind and God knows you before you were formed in your mother's womb." She said.
("Hmm, how am I sure that girl is not truly a witch pretending to be blind? If not how the hell did she knows that I am the one that passed.") Tony thought.
"I am not a witch." She said. (This time Tony was kind of scared.)
("Does she now reads someone's mind?") He thought.
"Uncle Tony, I delivered a message to your father and he didn't take it serious and I am here to repeat it to you... You are not even supposed to go out today accord to the message...."
"Shut your mouth up! I have every reason to believe that you are truly a witch pretending to be blind..... Now listen to me, the next time you stop me on my way out or come to my father's house to say rubbish I have your head hung on that stick you are holding nonsense." Tony interrupted her angrily.
"Uncle Tony, you have to listen to me...it about your life." Anna said almost crying.
"Keep that your message to your blind self idiot!." Tony said and walked away.
"God why are they not believing me?" Anna asked looking up with tears in her eyes.
"Anna." Chidi called walking to her.
"Chidi, where are you?" She asked with smile.
"Am here." Chidi said holding her hands.
"What are you doing here?" Anna asked.
"I am going to school and you?" He asked too.
"I am just coming back from Mr Thomas's house, I went to deliver a message to him concerning his son Tony." She said.
"And what is the message all about?" He asked as they began to walk.
"I had a revelation that by this next tomorrow Tony will die, it has be programmed that way and the only it won't happen is if he stays indoor for three days and his parents must do fasting and prayer for this three days else he will die." She said.
"Hmm that's serious, so what did Mr Thomas said when you told him?" He asked.
"He insulted me and asked me out of his house..so on my way home, I met Tony and was about telling him when he started insulting and calling me names." She said and stopped then turned to Chidi.
"Do you believe me?" She asked
"Yes I believe you because I know you don't speak of yourself but of God almighty who sent you.... Anna, one thing you know in this our everyday life is that people want to hear positive things when it comes to prophecy, nobody wants to hear negative things about theirselves or their love ones." Chidi said.
"I know but I can't say what I didn't see." Anna said.
"Just let them be as long as you have told them.. whatever happens to Tony, his blood will be on his and his parents heads not you Okay?" Chidi said and Anna nod with smile.
"Now come lemme take you home before going to school." He said taking her hand.
Chidi took Anna to her father's house before he went to school.
"Honey, where is Anna? I haven't see her this morning." Mr Desmond asked adding some fried eggs to his slices bread.
"Erm...she went out." Mrs Desmond replied.
"With who?" He asked.
"Alone." She replied.
"What? So you allowed our daughter to go out alone in this her condition?" He yelled.
"Darling, I tried to stopped her but she wouldn't listen." She defend herself.
"Oh please shut your mouth, just listen to yourself.....you tried to stopped her but she wouldn't listen, are you not her mother? How can you allow a blind girl to go out alone?" He yelled at his wife.
"But it not my fault now, you know how stubborn our daughter is." She said calmly.
"It not your fault, then whose fault?" He asked.
"It my fault father, I insisted on going out alone." Anna said as she walked to the dinning.
Her both parents were just starring at her...her mother stood up and help her sat down on the chair.
"And where are you coming from?" Mr Desmond asked.
"I went to Mr Thomas's house " Anna said.
"To do what?" Her mum asked.
"To delivered a message." She said and her parents looked at each other confusedly.
"A message?" They both asked at the same time.
"Yes, a message concerning their son Tony." She said.
"Concerning their son? And what is this message?" Her mum asked.
"I had a revelation that Tony will die by this time next tomorrow so I went to the them and also what they will do to prevent it not to happen." She said.
"Blood of Jesus! Anna! You went to say that to Mr Thomas?" Her mum asked.
"Yes mother." She replied.
"Heeeey! This girl has killed me." Her mum said putting her hands on her head.
"Have you see what I am saying?...you are the cause of all this, if you have not allowed her to go out she wouldn't has gone there to say such word to them that their son will die in three days from now and even give them the exact time." Mr Desmond said with so much fear and anger and turned to Anna.
"Listen to me young girl, from today you will not leave this house again...do you understand?" He said and turned to his wife.
"If anything happens to Tony people will see our daughter as a witch and I don't want that... You and your daughter should not bring trouble to me please and also don't ever allow her to go out alone again it can be very dangerous." Mr Desmond said.
"Father, if I receive a message from my father in heaven I will go out to deliver it." Anna said.
"What? Did you heard her?" Mr Desmond asked pointing at Anna.
"You don't talk when your father is talking that's disrespect." Mrs Desmond said.
"Mum please leave me alone." Anna said.
"Go out without my permission and see what I will do to you." Mr Desmond said and walked away.
"Anna! Anna! Anna! How many times did I called you?" Her mum asked..
"Mum please,,,, I will be in my room." She said standing up.
"Okay oh, don't put me into trouble that's all I have to say." Her mum said helping her up.
"Fear not mother, no trouble will come to you or dad." She said and smiled before walking away. Her mother just starred at her in surprised and shook her head.
Three days later, Tony woke up early morning...he took his bath and got dressed for work. He came out of the house and met his parents sitted outside.
"Papa/Mama, good morning." He greeted.
"Ah my son you are set for work already?" His father said.
"Yes papa, I have to be on my way." He said
"My son won't you eat before you go?" His mother asked.
"No mama, I don't feel like eating." He said.
"Okay my son go well." His mother said and he nod. He took two step away from his parents when he felt like something hit his head.
"Aaah my head!" He screamed and his parents rushed to him.
"Tony what it's?" His father asked.
"My head....my..hea...." He didn't complete his sentence before he died.
"Tony! Tony!." His mother called with a loud voice which makes Anita who was in the kitchen ran out.
"Mama, what happened to him?" Anita asked.
"I don't know, your brother just screamed my head and fell down." Mr Thomas said.
Anita blend down and place her ear on his chest and removed it with shocked when she noticed he was not breathing.
"Heey! Tony is dead." Anita said crying.
"No! No! My son can't die." Mr Thomas said...
(Mrs Thomas was already screaming which attracted people to their house)
"Papa, have you see it now, Anna came here day before yesterday to warn us but you and mama didn't listen to her..if we have given listen ear to her message Tony wouldn't has died." Anita said crying.
"Heey! Anna has killed my son oh." Mrs Thomas said crying seriously.
Mr Thomas went inside his house and took his cutlass.
"Papa where are you going with a cutlass?" Anita asked.
"I am going to kill that witch the way she killed my son." Mr Thomas replied running out of the house while his wife and some others people ran after him including Anita.
They went to Mr Desmond's house who was about going to work.
"Where is your witch daughter?" Mr Thomas asked
"My daughter is not a witch." Mr Desmond said.
"Which other way do we describe her if not witch." Mrs Thomas said.
"Please hold it there, my daughter is not a witch." Mrs Desmond said coming out of the house.

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